All4U —
Dynamic Collaborative Information Spaces

The goal of this interdisciplinary project is the development of a tool for navigation, organization and orientation in the personal information space of a user in ETH World. The global information space of ETH World will be mapped to an information space tailored for the user by using context sensitive methods. Different visualization methods can be used to view this personal information space. With easy and understandable communication primitives, the space can be shaped and changed. The platform to be created will further allow for collaboration of teams and support the exchange of information across the borders of the personal information space. The metaphor used for realizing the collaboration is that of an Information Gate. Users may export parts of their own information space and may integrate and take over parts of foreign information spaces. This concept thus allows a way for asynchronous, multi-lateral communication with any desired number of people in ETH World. The areas of Information Retrieval and Man Machine Interaction, which are usually working independently, will ensure together that the concepts developed in this project are optimal with regard to technical and cognitive issues. A prototype will be built successively to verify (usability studies) the ideas that are being developed and to serve as a demonstrator system in the end.


24 month




SFr. 246'000.- by ETH Zurich


Prof. Dr. H. Krüger (Institute of Hygiene and Applied Physiology)
Dr. S. Guttormsen Schär (Institute of Hygiene and Applied Physiology)

Related Research Area

Multimedia Information Management

contacts: Prof. Dr. H.-J. Schek

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