Evaluating the Coordination Overhead of Synchronous Replica Maintenance in a Cluster of Databases

Title Evaluating the Coordination Overhead of Synchronous Replica Maintenance in a Cluster of Databases
Author(s) K. Böhm, T. Grabs, U. Röhm, H.-J. Schek
Type inproceedings
Booktitle In: A. Bode, T. Ludwig, W. Karl, R. Wismüller (Eds.), Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing, Proceedings of the 6th International Euro-Par Conference, pages 435-444
Munich, Germany
Organization Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1900, http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/tocs/t1900.htm, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000
Month August 29 - September 01,
Year 2000


We investigate the design of a coordinator for a cluster of databases. We consider the following alternatives: TP-Heavy using the TUXEDO TP-monitor, TP-Lite with the ORACLE8 database system, and a TP-Less coordinator implemented in Embedded SQL/C++. In particular, we investigate the scalability of full replication. We assume that update actions on all replica are executed either synchronously or asynchronously. It turns out that the TP-Less approach outperforms commercial TP-middleware for small cluster sizes already. Another observation is that asynchronous updates are the preferred option compared to synchronous updates. The conclusion is that a transaction protocol at the second layer must be replication-aware.
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