Coordination System Modelling

Title Coordination System Modelling
Author(s) M. C. Norrie, M. Wunderli
Type inproceedings
Booktitle Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on the Enitity Relationship Approach
Manchester, UK
Organization Institute of Information Systems, ETH Zurich
Month December
Year 1994


We describe an approach to the coordination of application systems through the modelling and maintenance of inter-system dependencies based on application data. These dependencies are specified by a Coordination Model which comprises a Coordination Interface for each application system and a global Coordination View. A Coordination Interface describes local object types relevant for system-wide coordination. The Coordination View describes the component systems, their globally important object types and the relationships between those object types: Further, it specifies the actions to be taken to ensure global consistency thereby providing system coordination. Specifically, we describe how this approach has been used for a Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) system which is based on the coordination of CIM component systems. In this CIM system, the Coordination Model is specified using the NIAM data model.
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