
The project PowerDB aims at the development of a higher-order database for a database cluster. A database cluster is a set of PCs, and each PC runs an off-the-shelf DBMS - in our case SQL Server from Microsoft. The main thrusts of activity are XML data management and OLAP: Regarding XML, we combine data-centric processing with document-centric processing. This is an open issue for huge document collections and high workloads. Regarding OLAP, we currently focus on routing of queries in a database cluster with replication. To this end, we try to approximate the cache state of the components. For more information, on these activities, see Database Cluster, PowerDB - XML, PowerDB - OLAP.


36 month




SFr. 300'000.- by Microsoft

Related Research Area

Database Cluster - PowerDB

contacts: Prof. H.-J. Schek

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